A Letter to the Right Wing, Conservative White Women Who Give Their Support to the Republican Party.

The Wicked Orchard by Sidra Owens
7 min readMay 20, 2023
Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

In this country, we have reached a tipping point concerning the autonomy women have over their reproductive health.

Prior to 1960, women were at the mercy of the whims of their husbands. Basically, their womanly/wifely duty was to be sexually available for their husbands, so that meant women had crazy amounts of children.

Granted, some women loved it. But many women played the role of brood mare because they had no other choice. They had no jobs, no way of bringing in income. They were essentially at the mercy of how well they could marry.

Things began to change in 1960 with the creation of the first hormonal birth control method, for women, of course.

Thirteen years later, Roe v Wade was ruled on by the Supreme Court, which essentially said that the constitution generally protects a pregnant individual’s liberty to have an abortion.

Take a moment and let that sink in.

It doesn’t say protect a pregnant individual’s right to have an abortion. It says liberty.

A right according to Merriam Webster dictionary, in the context of women’s right or reproductive rights, is the power or privilege to which one is justly entitled.

