DeSantis: Risking Lives Just to Make a Point.

The Wicked Orchard by Sidra Owens
4 min readMay 11, 2024
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

In the United States, one of the greatest past times of homeowners is maintaining their lawns. On the weekend, you will find people mowing their grass, weeding their gardens, and planting flowers. Generally beautifying their outdoor areas. Typically, you find them outdoors in the early morning or in the evening, when it’s cooler outside, especially in the summertime. And of course, if it gets too hot, they can take a break and go inside, or better yet, they can just call it a day, go inside in their air-conditioned homes and relax.

You see it all over the country, in every town, U.S.A.

Now imagine that it’s still Saturday morning, but instead of meandering on your own time, as you tend to your garden, you are about to start a 12-hour shift picking crops in someone’s field.

There is no shade.

There is no shelter.

You are allotted one 10-minute break every two hours, but you have no access to drinking water during your brief respite.

And last, but not least, by 12pm, the temperature is nearing 100 degrees.

Those are the conditions that migrant workers find themselves toiling under in the state of Florida.

Private companies, in general, do not care about the well-being of their employees…

