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Dry Humping: It Takes Maturity To Enjoy It.

After reading Dry Humping: The Good, the Bad and the Ridiculous, written by Gavin Jenkins for MEL, I decided that I wanted to chime in on the topic.
Let’s begin by saying that whoever is cosmically in charge of giving names to sexual acts should be fired and exiled to the outer edges of the universe. Nevertheless, I’m going to talk about dry humping. Of course, everyone is introduced to this in their teen years, when you are too scared or too indoctrinated to engage in sex.
First of all, the forbidden flavor that is dry humping stems from many things, usually flashbacks from one’s teen years. Second of all, the term sucks. Granted, I can’t think of anything better at the moment, but it calls to mind images of dogs taking liberties with someone’s leg.
Terminology aside, dry humping can be extraordinarily gratifying, but first, we need to clear some of the fog surrounding this particular sex act.
Often times, women can have difficulty climaxing during vaginal penetration. But orgasm may be more achievable during dry humping. Much like sex to achieve an orgasm, the act of dry humping for a female, whether on top or bottom requires significant hip movement. If she is thoroughly excited whether from kissing or stimulation of the nipples, or whatever region gets her going, then hip movement is going…