I really enjoyed this article. I watched the Temple of Doom a week ago. It is one of my favorite movies. I think that everyone has slept on the performance of Kate Capshaw in that movie. She did a hell of a lot of screaming and every single time was warranted. There was never a bullshit scream. The chilled monkey brains. The eye ball soup. The bat in the laundry. The plummet from the crashing airplane. The multitudes of bugs and the ripping out of the hearts. I don't think I could have been any calmer than she was.
Aliens is my absolute favorite in that entire franchise. Hands down. But I saw it well before the original.
The Godfather II is not my favorite, though,
it's damn good. It fills holes in the story and if you love storytelling I think it makes you appreciate it. Hmm, the same can be said for the original Alien movie as well.
This was a wonderful list, especially to a child of the 80s like myself. Great job.