Our Ignorance Fuels Their Victories.

The Wicked Orchard by Sidra Owens
5 min readMay 18, 2019
Anthony Garand on Unsplash

Elections have consequences. That is more than just a quote from a former president. It is an absolute truth that we are dealing with daily.

Trump is the current president, and he is the current president for a just a few reasons.

-Trump’s own racist, xenophobic and misogynistic idiocy appeals to the lowest common denominator in this country.

-The DNC was bought and paid for by Hillary, so they railroaded the only candidate who could have defeated Trump.

-The outdated Electoral College failed the masses it’s meant to represent; once again showing how our vote doesn’t seem to amount to much

-All of the stupid undecided voters thought that the reality star would be ideal for the presidency

So he became president. Many of us are or have been thinking… Ok, we’ll just grit our teeth and bare it until the next election, and someone else is sure to be voted into office.

But for most of us the damage has already been done. Irreparable damage. For one, Trump pulled out of the Paris Climate Agreement. He has been destroying the lives of immigrant families seeking asylum in the U.S. He has been rolling back every regulations imaginable; injuring the environment, the economy and the future health of this country’s citizens. And even with all…

