The ability to not give a fuck is a powerful thing, not to be abused. Being able to say fuck it about somethings can often be about maintaining your own mental and emotional health.

But on the other hand, not giving a fuck too much will eventually leave you lonely, cuz no one’s gonna fuck with you…cuz… you don’t give a fuck.

Yes, you love your parents, but they can’t count on you, cuz you don’t give a fuck.

If eventually desired, you can’t have a serious relationship, cuz you don’t give a fuck.

Anger issues can swell and eat you up from the inside, even if you claim to not give a fuck.

Manning up isn’t always the answer. Self-care can be taken without whining about it. Sleep would fall under the category of self care.

Working to be a ‘real man’ is actually bullshit, because society labels what a real men is and what a real man cares about. And the person trying to be a real man , usually ends up being a real asshole, because society praises not giving a fuck all the damn time.

And that is what’s wrong with society.

